Download this free crumpled paper HD background video loop animation for free to put behind your animation.
Paper Loop Video Specs:
- 1920 X 1080 HD format
- Quicktime ProRes video format
- Two second loop
- 24 FPS for stop motion film-look animation
It is “animated on the twos” to give a stop-motion appearance. It is 24 frames per second with each frame of wrinkled paper lasting for two frames.
- For a less distracting background, add a layer of white at 50% opacity on top of the crumpled paper video layer
- To make the paper animation look less like stop-motion double the speed and each paper image will only last for 1 frame.
- To make your video appear to be drawn on the paper, put the wrinkled paper video loop on top of your artwork in your video editing app as a Multiply layer and it will affect any layers below it (try other layer type modes for different effcts)