The first Procreate GrutBrushes are now available with many more to come. You can buy Procreate Unlimited for a bargain right now
It’s just $10 today but it will go up as more brushes are added! You will get access to download all the Procreate brushes published in the next 6 months.
Once there are enough of them, I will start bundling them into sets (inks, pencils, watercolours, etc) but until then, purchasing GrutBrushes Procreate unlimited is the only way to get them for now
Even though there are some similar brushes (I will try to reproduce some favourites) These are not the Photoshop brushes converted, these are ALL NEW exclusively Procreate. (If I could convert them, there would be a lot more than just 25 to start with)
You can “try before you buy” with the free Procreate brushes available as well. Install them right onto your iPad from the web page!