Dense Weather – Photoshop Oil Brush


Photoshop Oil Brush
✓ Real – Real oil paint appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from real textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike

 *requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet



painting done entirely with the ‘Dense Weather’ Photoshop oil brush

A patchy oil brush with a widely variable flow and a loose frayed edge. With low pressure you get a very diluted low opacity brush for roughing in shapes that quickly converts to crisp layers of built up texture to create nice blended tones.

 Video of digital oil painting done using the 'Dense Weather' Photoshop Oil Brush toolset
Brush strokes digital oil painting done using the ‘Dense Weather’ Photoshop Oil Brush toolset
Blending colour with the dense weather Photoshop oil brush
Blending colour with the dense weather Photoshop oil brush
Oils 01 - 10 oil paint brushes for Photoshop
Oils 01 – 10 oil paint brushes for Photoshop

requires Photoshop cs5 or higher

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