Moth Wing – Photoshop Watercolour Brush


Watercolour Photoshop Brush for digital painting

✓ Real – Real watercolor appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from real textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike

 *requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet



A light watercolour wash brush with a subtly textured fill. While Moth Wing’s edges are relatively rough it’s medium to low contrast fill is very responsive and easily controlled making it a nice brush for tone work.

Time lapse of a digital watercolour digital painting done using Photoshop watercolour brush tool 'Moth Wing'

digital painting painted with 'Moth Wing' Photoshop watercolor brush toolset digital painting painted with ‘Moth Wing’ Photoshop watercolor brush toolset

requires Photoshop cs5 or higher

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