Dandy Shuffle – Photoshop Charcoal Brush


✓ Real – Real Charcoal appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from real textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike

 *requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet



A detailed sharp grain charcoal brush with an easily controllable desnity range. This brush starts the pressure curve with a smattering of grainy texture and then ramps up on an even gradient through the range of pressures ending in almost total opaque cover at the highest pressure.

Photoshop Charcoal Brush strokes drawn with the 'Dandy Shuffle' digital artist's tool preset
Photoshop Charcoal Brush strokes drawn with the ‘Dandy Shuffle’ digital artist’s tool preset

requires Photoshop cs5 or higher

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