Using his talent, a lot of patience and the Dense Weather Photoshop oil paint brush from GrutBrushes, Filmmaker Pablo Fernandez Eyre created this animated tribute to Mad Max:Fury Road. You can Watch it here on Vimeo and you can learn more about Pablo on his website Continue reading Animated Tribute to Mad Max:Fury Road (featuring a GrutBrush!)
Tag: digital drawing
Free Photoshop Brush of the Week #11 “Lip Reader” Ink Brush
“Lip Reader” is a rough edged Photoshop ink brush with a wide ranging width. At the lowest pressure this brush gives an intermittent spotty line and at maximum pressure it has a wide line with a subtle but visible wet, bleeding edge that borders a ragged contour. This brush is a line brush but as you see here, you can also use it at a much larger size than it is designed for to block in larger areas of colour. By setting a lyer to ‘Multiply’ it can also behave more like a watercolour brush.
As always, you can download it for free until the end of this week (June 15th) when there will be yet another new free brush.
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Sketching With GrutBrushes – “Brief Reprieve”
Drawing with Multiple Photoshop Brushes
I do so many doodles and demos demonstrating one particular brush but the real fun comes when you use multiple brushes, each with it’s own strengths and personalities. This sketch uses 3 different brushes, Gulf Stream, a broad ranged responsive ink brush, Linoleum Roll, a wide grungy textured brush and Lazy Fair, a whispy ink brush with visible bristle marks.
Free Photoshop Brush of the Week #10 “Mid Yewer” Charcoal Brush
*Requires Photoshop cs5.5 or higher and a pressure sensitive graphics tablet. Free registration required to download.
Anatomy of a Digital Watercolor Brush
What is it that gives a brush it’s personality? It’s a combination of your style, how your fingers move and the brush itself. Just as you have a unique way of moving your wrist to create lines, each brush has it’s own unique stylistic signatures. Whether it’s a few stray bristles, the way it holds or releases water, oil, paint and pigment, or simply how slowly or quickly it tapers from a point to a blob, if at all. All these quirks and characteristics add up to give a brush it’s personality.
The same holds true for a good digtal artists’s brush. In this visual dissection I’ve attempted to draw attention to some of the the characteristics unique to the ‘Paste Up’ Photoshop watercolour brush, some of the most prominent features that add up to create the signature look of it’s strokes.
This is just one of 63 (and growing) brushes in the growing collection of pressure responsive Photoshop brushes for digital artists from
Watercolor Paper Background
I get quite a few requests to share the backgrounds in my demos. I do plan to release a set of seamless papers, canvases, cards and other backdrops for digital artists. It’s in the works I promise, but in the meantime, here’s the watercolour paper used in many of my digital painting brush demo videos. Continue reading Watercolor Paper Background
So Konwet – A soggy, wet, Ink Brush
So Konwet, the latest ink brush in the store is a runny ink brush with an edge that bleeds as if you are drawing on a wet paper towel. A variable sized allows you to do fairly detailed work at low pressure but the brush really excels at broad gestural drawing.
(sorry this offer has expired)
Drawing with the ‘So Konwet’ responsive Photoshop ink brush for digital artists
This brush is included in the Art Brushes Complete set
New Charcoal Brush ‘Peel Braiser’
This charcoal or chalk brush is more flexible and fungible than some of the more recent brushes in that it is has a very soft fingerprint at low pressure. With a single stroke you get very light coverage which makes shading easy as you can easily control the amount of colour and by building it up with multiple stokes it’s possible to create areas of light colour blend into very dark sections without visible brush strokes. This maintains a sharp texture like you would have with chalk or charcoal on heavy textured paper without the smudginess that you would get using a stump or tortillion in traditional media.
[twocol_one] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last]‘Peel Braiser’ Charcoal Brush.A hard charcoal with a light coverage that makes it ideal for shading with a crisp texture. With repeated strokes this brush can give you full dark coverage with lots of opportunity for graduated blending.[button link=”″]Add to Cart – $1[/button][/twocol_one_last]