To download to your iPad, please use the single download buttons instead (see Best Practice below) To download ALL the Photoshop Art Surfaces in one archived ZIP file to your *desktop computer* for storage, you can download them here (this will probably not work on your iPad): You don't really need to download this file though as the downloads in your account never expire. If GrutBrushes ever goes out of business though, you may be glad you downloaded that backup (not that I expect it to happen after 6 years in business) I don't recommend download them this way on your ipad as the file is so large that it tends to stall. When it does finish downloading it still needs to be unzipped so it's not the most convenient way to get them onto your iPad. The Best Practice: ------------------ The best way to get the Art Surfaces onto your iPad is to download the individual Art Surfaces from the respective download buttons in your account one at a time. TIP: Once you download an Art Surface to your Procreate gallery, swipe left and make a copy of it to paint on before you start painting so that you always have a fresh empty Art Surface to paint on when you want to start a new painting Thanks! Any questions, feedback or comments Im always eager to hear it, just email me at Nicolai