Cross Hatchers – Photoshop Cross Hatching Brushes


15 Cross Hatching Photoshop brushes for digital artists

✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike
✓ Real – Real ink appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from actual brush strokes
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*

*requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet and stylus



15 Cross Hatching brush toolsets for digital artists.

5 of the cross-hatching Photoshop brushes included in the Hatchers 01
5 of the cross-hatching Photoshop brushes included in the Hatchers 01 brush set

Click on ‘preview’ button on the thumbnails to watch the brush drawing ‘live’   [fa class=”fa-arrow-down”]

drawn with the Hatch Blanket Photoshop Cross Hatching Brush
Drawing with the Hatch Blanket Photoshop Cross Hatching Brush
Drawn with Hatch Thrasher cross-hatching brush
Skulk” Drawn with ‘Hatch Thrasher’ cross-hatching Photoshop brush
Drawn with the Hatch Acid cross hatching Photoshop brush
Drawn with the ‘Hatch Acid’ cross hatching Photoshop brush
Video of digital drawing done using the 'Hatch Acid' Photoshop cross hatching Brush toolset
Drawing with the ‘Hatch Acid’ Photoshop cross hatching Brush toolset

Painted entirely with thee Hatch Wren Cross Hatching Photoshop brush tool

Drawn entirely with the "Hatch Tag" Artisanal cross hatching brush from
Drawn entirely with the “Hatch Tag” Artisanal cross hatching brush from
Cross-Hatch Photoshop Brushes
Cross-Hatch Photoshop Brushes