Hatch Thrasher – Cross Hatching Photoshop Brush


Dynamic Photoshop cross-hatching brush

✓ Real – Real media appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from real textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike

 *requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet



A natural & dynamic cross hatching Photoshop brush that responds to the size and direction of your tablet pen stroke to create strokes reminiscent of a wheat field.

Pressure sensitive dynamic cross hatching animated Photoshop brush

 Painted with Hatch Thrasher Cross Hatch Photoshop brush only (on stock background)

Drawn with Hatch Thrasher cross-hatching brush
Drawn with Hatch Thrasher cross-hatching Photoshop brush

requires Photoshop cs5 or higher

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