
GrutBrushes Tool Panel Plugin for Photoshop CC

(29 customer reviews)

Original price was: $1.00.Current price is: $0.00.

The plugin no longer works in the most recent update to Photoshop which removed legacy plugins. You can still use all the GrutBrushes ABR files in the Photoshop CC brushes panel and they will work just the same.

I will look into whether it is possible to get the plugin working again, but even if it is, it won’t be happenng soon.

This is the GrutBrushes Photoshop CC plugin only and does not include any GrutBrushes. Those are sold separately in the brush Shop You can get a set of 10 free Grutbrushes Photoshop brushes and tools here

• Organize your GrutBrushes Tool Presets into Sets
• Drag and drop to arrange your favourite GrutBrushes
• Add brushes from the GrutBrushes shop without leaving Photoshop
• Speed up your workflow

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The GrutBrushes Digital Artist’s Toolset Plugin Panel

IMPORTANT: The plugin no longer works in the most recent update to Photoshop which removed legacy plugins. You can still use all the GrutBrushes ABR files in the Photoshop CC brushes panel and they will work just the same.
For Photoshop CC ONLY  — MAC & Windows
Note: This plugin is optional and not required to use GrutBrushes. You can use them in CS5 and up without it like this.


A Photoshop plugin that puts your GrutBrushes into a panel right inside Photoshop! (Photoshop CC only – use TPl files in CS)

Thumbnails For All Your GrutBrushes Tool Presets!

Show thumbnails of your Photoshop toolset presets

Now you can see thumbnails of your Photoshop Brush tool presets, just like you can with the ABR brush panel, but better…

Drag and Drop to Organize your Grutbrushes

Drag and Drop your brush toolsets
Arrange and re-order your GrutBrushes tool presets without using the preset manager
Right click for more options
Right click for more options

Position your GrutBrushes panel wherever you want it

Arrange Brush panel - docked horizontal or vertical flyoutArrange Brush panel - docked horizontal or vertical flyout

Docked, Vertical or horizontal flyout, it’s up to you— Arrange your tools to suit your workflow

Speed up your workflow

paint faster in photoshop by organising your brush tools

Focus on your painting while switching between toolsets effortlessly

 Mix and Match Brush Tool Preset Types

use multiple Photoshop tool types in one panel

Unlike Photoshop’s abr panel you could place an oil brush, a mixer brush and an eraser all in a row. Mix and match toolset types to your heart’s delight.

Add or remove brushes from the GrutBrushes Photoshop plugin

Add or remove GrutBrushes directly from the plugin panel

Hide Brushes you don’t use or need

Show or hide Photoshop brush toolsets you don't use

Keep your panel tidy without deleting brushes. Just hide the ones you don’t need until later.

 Save and load Custom Sets of GrutBrushes

Save a custom set of Photoshop brushes
Create a set of your favourite GrutBrushes and tools to access them with one click

How to Install the GrutBrushes Photoshop Plugin

This quick tutorial will show you how to install the Photoshop plugin in less than a minute.

How to install brushes into the GrutBrushes Plugin Panel

This 30 second tutorial shows the process of adding GrutBrushes from your hard drive to the GrutBrushes plugin. (Hold command or control to select multiple brushes)
1. Click the add button
2. Find the brush(es) you want to add. Hold down the command or ctrl key to select multiple brushes
3. If it warns that it will overwrite existing brushes click “OK” (select apply to all if adding more than one brush)

Zip Tip: If you have downloaded an individual brush in a zip file you can add the zip as is. No need to unzip it first!

How to Create and Manage Sets in the GrutBrushes Plugin Panel

Install the latest GrutBrushes via the internet, directly from inside Photoshop!

[vooplayer type=”video” id=”MTM0MTk1″ ] ‘Instant-install’ brushes with one click by using the ‘new’ button in the plugin panel

If you purchased any brushes or have an active GrutBrushes membership you can add and install brushes directly into Photoshop via the GrutBrushes plugin panel using the “New” button.
This  video shows you how it’s done.

  • If you want to install brushes from your account just navigate to your downloads page in your account (except the Complete Set! Don’t install the set from the big blue button!)

Guests can also ‘instant-install’ freebies and the free Photoshop brush of the week directly from inside Photoshop using the GrutBrushes plugin panel.

Download Free Photoshop Brush Button

How to Uninstall the GrutBrushes Plugin

If you updated Photoshop recently and your plugin stopped working, you will need to uninstall it and re-install it.
To uninstall the GrutBrushes plugin, you just need to delete two GrutBrushes folders. There are detailed written instructions here
Here’s a video showing how to do it on a mac: (if you don’t see the folders follow the instructions in this document)

[vooplayer type=”video” id=”MTM1MzI1″ ]

Photoshop CS User?

The GrutBrushes plugin is not compatible with Photoshop CS and you don’t need it to use GrutBrushes in Photoshop CS5 or 6 (details here)  but if you do want an excellent brush organiser that can import GrutBrushes, I highly recommend using the BrushBox plugin for Photoshop CS you can get it here



If you have a brush set from before August 2015 and don’t have the icons, you can download them here