Jam Wiggly – Photoshop Ink Brush


✓ Real – Real Ink appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from real textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ Natural – No two strokes are alike

 *requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet



A sloppy ink brush with a broad erratic tip with generous flow but the edge contours of a dry brush This brush starts out as a scratchy intermittent texture and ends in a broad wet messy line with a slight edge splatter at full pressure

Photoshop Natural Media Brush strokes drawn with the 'Jam Wiggly' digital artist's tool preset
Photoshop Natural Media Brush strokes drawn with the ‘Jam Wiggly’ digital artist’s tool preset


Painted with the 'Jam Wiggly' Photoshop Ink Brush
Painted with the ‘Jam Wiggly’ Photoshop Ink Brush

This brush was the Free Photoshop brush of the week on April 11th 2016

Painting WIth Jam Wiggly in the Espaloaf Photoshop paper template
Painting WIth Jam Wiggly in the Espaloaf Photoshop paper template

requires Photoshop cs5 or higher

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