Waters 01 – Watercolor Brushes for Photoshop


10 Responsive Photoshop Watercolour brushes for digital artists

✓ Natural Watercolour- No two strokes are alike
✓ Real – Real watercolor appearance
✓ Organic – Crafted from natural textures
✓ Responsive – Pressure sensitive*
✓ TPL and ABR

*requires a pressure sensitive graphics tablet and stylus”



10 realistic watercolor brushes for Photoshop

Realistic, natural, pressure responsive, watercolour brush tools for digital artists.

ABR and TPL formats included

Brush stroke samples from the Waters 01 Photoshop Brushes
Brush stroke samples from the Waters 01 Photoshop Brushes
'Mud Puddle' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Mud Puddle’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Mud Puddle Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Mud Puddle Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A viscous full textured watercolor brush with variable opacity but a crisp distinct edge. Very opaque at full pressure you can still get a light wash at a low pressure.

'Frontier' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Frontier’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Frontier Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Frontier Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A natural media watercolor brush which responds to pressure in both opacity and to a lesser extent, size. Useful as a line brush at small sizes while also being versatile enough to serve as a fill in wash. The Frontier brush has enough edge and surface texture to provide an organic natural media feel while at the same time remains subtle enough to not overwhelm the artists subject matter. Suitable for drawing sketching as well as painting.

'Swab Caress' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Swab Caress’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Swab Caress Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Swab Caress Photoshop Watercolor Brush

An organic real watercolor Photoshop brush that responds to pressure sensitivity. A versatile brush for both outlining and fills it has a fairly consistent texture with just enough flaws to keep it feeling organic and natural but not enough to distract from the overall tone of the artwork. The edges of the brush stroke have a distinctive watery paintbrush appearance but are restrained enough to make for a relatively tightly controllable outline.

'PasteUp' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘PasteUp’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with PasteUp Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with PasteUp Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A broad, messy edged wash brush with a variable width. This wet, light wash has a light fill, with a medium texture and dark grain flaws giving it a rich and spontaneous organic feel. A natural brush that can work at low opacities. At a reduced width Pasteup can also be used as a line or sketching brush but it shines as a broad and loose wash or fill.

'Moth Wing' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Moth Wing’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Moth Wing Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Moth Wing Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A light watercolour wash brush with a subtly textured fill. While Moth Wing’s edges are relatively rough it’s medium to low contrast fill is very responsive and easily controlled making it a nice brush for tone work.

'Ocean Liner' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Ocean Liner’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Ocean Liner Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Ocean Liner Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A fine watercolour brush with a wide ranging opacity that makes a good sketch brush as well as a detailer for finer work. With a controlled stroke, from firm to light, the Ocean Liner brush will give a nicely graduated line from fairly dark yet soft to the faintest hint of a sketch in one go. The cottony texture gives it a warm organic feel.

'Cherry Pectin' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Cherry Pectin’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Cherry Pectin Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Cherry Pectin Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A sediment filled watery digital watercolour Photoshop brush with plenty of texture and deliciously sludgy edges thick with pigment sediment. Reduce pressure and repaint the edges without lifting the stylus to minimize or remove the edges.

'Gently Swayed' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Gently Swayed’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Gently Swayed Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Gently Swayed Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A soft responsive watercolor brush with a fine woolly textured edge. It’s variable width tip makes it a flexible sketcher while it’s pigment grain gives it a distinct personality.

'Grape Remains' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Grape Remains’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Grape Remains Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Grape Remains Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A wet, grungy, realistic watercolour Photoshop brush with a medium dark grainy edge as well as a richly textured fill. Opacity tops off at around 80% with one stroke at maximum pressure allowing the artist good strong coverage at full pressure while maintaining a visible organic grain. A light touch results in edges only, or with slightly more pressure, a light wash.

'Lofty Tinge' Photoshop watercolor brush for digital painting

‘Lofty Tinge’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Painted with Lofty Tinge Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Lofty Tinge Photoshop Watercolor Brush

A soft toning watercolour brush with a soft gradient edge and subtle watercolour texture.

Get Waters 01 AND 02 for just $6!Click to get all 20 brushes for $6

Brush Strokes of all 10 Photoshop watercolour brushes in Waters 01 collection
Brush Strokes of all 10 Photoshop watercolour brushes in Waters 01 collection
(Mouseover or tap the icons below to watch the Photoshop brushes drawing ‘live’!)

‘Mud puddle’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Frontier’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Swab Caress’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘PasteUp’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Moth Wing’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Ocean Liner’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Cherry Pectin’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Gently Swayed’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Grape Remains’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

‘Lofty Tinge’ Photoshop watercolor Brush

Get ’em Both for just $6!

Waters 01 - Watercolor Brushes for Photoshop
Waters 02 - Ten Photoshop Watercolor Brushes

Get Waters 01 AND 02 for just $6!Click to get all 20 brushes for $6

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